The cash flow chart gives you a visual look at where your money is coming from and going to.

An example of a cash flow summary chart:

  • The bar down the middle indicates your cash balance.
  • On the left of it, you have your cash-ins; on the right of it, the cash-outs.
  • Again, everything is color-coded by category. You can easily see which is the largest sources of cash-in and cash-out for you – the thicker the lines, the more weight is has in cash.

To look at what makes up each category:

  • Clicking on the words “expand all” in the right-hand corner of your screen.

  • Doing so opens up each category so you can see a break down of what expenses make up each one. It will look similar to this:

  • On the left side, you can see how Revenue is now broken down into Apps and Products, Consulting and Custom Projects.
  • To go back to a less detailed view, click on Collapse All.
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